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Accelerating FinTech Disruptors:

Enabling $0 to $26 Million

in Value Creation

Services Rendered

Product Design

Product Engineering

Continuing Design

Tech stack

React, Sentry, React-Query, Redocly, Figma

$26 Million Value Creation

A FinTech company, on a mission to streamline the software selling and buying experience, introduced a Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) solution specifically designed for the SaaS market. In this journey, Zemoso provided invaluable support, collaborating on prototype builds for early validation and assisting in the development of their Minimum Viable Product (MVP).


In build-versus-buy conversations, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions are winning as companies rush to digitize. However, small-medium enterprises on both sides of the fence (SaaS companies and their customers) have a market imperative to conserve or increase cash flow. The result: there's a rise in FinTech companies that are focused on making B2B transactions easier for businesses and dramatically reducing the time taken for a close. Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) offers an interesting middle path, and one team decided to take on this challenge.

Zemoso Labs Partnership Challenge

The client wanted Zemoso to help productize the solution. These are some of the capabilities we helped them take to market with design and engineering expertise:

  1. Rapid design, build, and deployment of the user experience for the platform.
  2. Tangible ways to experience the platform.
  3. A buy-now-pay-later solution that could become an integral part of the closing process in the sales cycle for any SaaS product.

Impact created

During the course of our partnership, we helped the client to emerge from the stealth mode and raise $5M. We enabled this by launching a high-fidelity prototype followed by the first version of the product with the minimum feature set in 5 months after successful user acceptance testing (UAT).



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Zemoso worked closely with the client's leadership team: and facilitated our proprietary version of Google Ventures Design Sprint (a product sprint and a feature sprint). We equipped the client with an agile product pod to bring the founder’s vision to the right level of abstraction for quick validation cycles and to scale as needed to ensure early customer and investor wins.

The design solution details

We prioritized the user flows that were essential for our client and enterprises to implement the BNPL solution. We used Atomic design principles and Material UI to deliver an easily extensible design system. We used Zeplin as a hand-off tool for designers to communicate effectively with developers and engineers, thereby speeding up front-end development and deployments.

The engineering solutions details

Zemoso worked closely with the client’s layered architecture to design and implement a scalable front-end layer.

The front end was developed using the React library with JS Storybook components to ensure speed during testing and modularity. We completed a Plaid integration on the front-end to ensure additional security for enterprises and their customers.

To make the development cycle faster and ensure zero slippage on the timeline, the team created a low-level design (LLD) document and component-level C4 architecture elements. Every time we had new task requirements, we wrote a pseudo-code to define how it'd fit into the existing scaffolding. This helped proactively identify and mitigate potential roadblocks, and made the entire quality-check process much faster. It also allowed us to create accurate delivery timelines and ramp up the effort to meet milestone goals.

The engineering team provided documentation around how client’s customers can integrate APIs with their existing platforms.

The entire build ran in weekly sprints so that we could align on incoming client feedback, turn it around to actual deployment, and iterate quickly, throughout the process.


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