Zemoso collaborated with a Data Security Tech disruptor to bring their radically differentiated idea to life, and accelerate go-to-market.
Our client simplified how companies securely store and share sensitive personal data. The founders aimed to address pervasive data security challenges with a data storage solution that could be delivered with simple Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
The founders had a radically differentiated idea to build data vaults that could then be delivered as a service with simple application programming interfaces (APIs). They chose to partner with Zemoso to leverage our go-to-market expertise in three ways:
Series A
Our clients love what we do:
Using Zemoso’s adaptation of Google Ventures Design Sprint, we partnered with the founding team to create a high-fidelity, clickable, 72-screen prototype in just four weeks. Client tested this prototype with users, advisors, and investors, quickly fine-tuning their solution with another design sprint. We helped release iterations in quick two-week sprints.
Our client received early user and investor validation, raising their Seed round.
As our Data SecurityTech client prepared to launch their minimum viable product (MVP) version, they used our design and engineering expertise to co-create elements of the solution that would build the user and developer experience around the data vaults.
Zemoso helped co-create and imagine how end customers will use and deploy the platform. We focused on creating a best-in-class user experience inspired by continuous user-testing, advisor feedback, and rapid prototypes for new experiences.
Zemoso provided self-organized scrum teams comprising a technical product manager, tech experts, quality analysis (QA) professionals, and others to build and deploy the studio for developers. This helped create policies, control access, and set frameworks on how to run queries using cutting-edge front-end technology.
Through the entire partnership, we employed DevOps practices to ensure fast, reliable, and efficient deployment of new front-end features, heavily automating QA, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), analytics, etc. Zemoso also set up a fast test-to-feedback loop by decoupling the front-end UI from the backend API builds, allowing new features to be previewed and validated before investing engineering resources to develop the back-end.
Product led adoption initiatives: Zemoso fast-tracked go-to-market with applications, software development kits (SDKs), and microsites that ensured faster adoption, helping users realize the power of the platform quickly. This helped shorten the feedback cycle, iterations on new capabilities, and allowed our client to create a steady stream of feature launches for incremental, product-led growth.
Zemoso’s rapid app development provided proof of value for their solution. For example, an app that took the post-COVID way of working into account was launched and tested within the healthcare industry in record time. Zemoso also created a dev microsite, providing a platform for developers to experiment with and experience the solution first-hand, including well-tested examples used by developers.
SDKs were built in 7 different programming languages for various technology platforms (Google, Desktop, etc.) that enabled developers to have pre-built recipes and accelerators to rapidly integrate the platform with other partners and vendors.
Ultimately, our client was able to prioritize their front-end and back-end development simultaneously, iterating fast without compromising on quality, with an agile engineering and design pod at Zemoso conducting discovery sprints to accelerate testing, validation, and launches of the product and its capabilities.
The partnership grew after launch as Zemoso continues to work with key stakeholders on design and UI testing, continuous integration, and continuous deployment of new capabilities. Zemoso continues to do discovery and feature sprints.